For meetings with that special touch

Unique meeting venue

Discover the new ‘Conference Deck’ aboard the MS Gräfin Cosel – Your premier venue for meetings, trainings, and conferences! Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and space for up to 140 participants, our conference room offers the perfect environment for your events.

Utilize the Conference Deck as an independent venue tailored to your needs. “To ensure a successful conference, a top-notch conference atmosphere and creative breaks are essential. The new conference room aboard the salon ship uniquely combines both.” Choose from our packages or let us provide you with personalized advice tailored to your needs.

Meetings and relaxation on the move

I am happy to help you

Contact me!

Experience an unforgettable event on board, tell us your wishes and benefit from our experience. Contact me via the form below for more information and inquiries.


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